
Service Compact with all Nigerians (SERVICOM) is an initiative of the Federal Government of Nigeria conceived to promote effective and efficient service delivery in Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) to ensure customer satisfaction and to manage the performance-expectation gap between Government and citizens as well as other members of the public, on issues of service delivery.

SERVICOM operates through a network of Ministerial SERVICOM Units (MSUs) established in all MDAs to refocus every institution in the public service towards better service delivery and supports these MSUs to write up Service Charters, establish Complaints System at service front-lines as well as develop Service Improvement Plans.

The Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board (NCDMB) as part of its commitment to Service Excellence will launch the NCDMB Service Charter during the celebration of the Customer Service Week 2021. The Customer Service Week provides the Board an opportunity to reflect on the quality of services rendered by the Board to its stakeholders and examine strategies to improve service delivery.

During the week, the Board will also be celebrating all its customer facing staff and equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to enhance their effectiveness on the job. The week will also bring together key stakeholders, who will be given an opportunity to discuss and provide feedback on areas they will like to see improvements.

Finally, Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government, including SERVICOM National Charged with promoting effective customer service in government, have been invited to share experiences during the Customer Service Week and support the Boards aspiration to develop world class standards in Customer Service.